Tokyo Big Sight at Odaiba, Tokyo

Japan Ham Fair 2014 at Tokyo Big Sight Convention Center

even 45 minutes after opening, there was still about a 20 minute queue to buy a ticket

8J1A Special Event Station, where JARL members are invited to operate from 7MHz to 1.2GHz

8J1A antenna farm on the convention center roof

JARL homebrew contest

Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST)

Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club (DARC), Radio Amateurs du Luxembourg (RL), Tunisian Association of Radio Amateurs (ASTRA)

A tiny fraction of the club booths

JA1BVA 136kHz loading coil at the LF/MF Club of Japan booth

JA9BSL Woodpecker key

assortment of JA9BSL wooden keys and paddles

hydralic tiltover tower for your car roof

with the tower capable of handling your portable EME array

JASTA slow scan TV