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Comet introduced a number of new products, including the CP-54 5 meter push-up aluminum mast that collapses to 1.95M. A drive-over, tilt-up base, the MCB-II, can be used to anchor it in place.

Among Comet's other new offerings were a 6 meter tall vertical for 28MHz (GH-1000) and a common mode filter rated at 5KW (TF-5000).


Comet mobile antennas for 2.4GHz, 1.2GHz, and 430MHz.


Comet dry dummy loads, the DL-1500C on the left is rated at 1.5 KW PEP, and the DL-3000C is rated at 3 KW PEP.

Diamond Antenna



Diamond TV2400-TX transmitter (capable of 50 mW of F5,F9 video on either of 2 channels, 2417 or 2436 MHz, with a 12 VDC supply) and TV2400-RX receiver.


New Diamond verticals, left to right: SE100 2.25 meter tall 144/430 antenna, SE5000 2.25 meter tall 144/430/1290 antenna, GH10R a 4.5 meter tall 28~29 MHz antenna, and the GH4015NR which is about 6 meters tall and covers 7/21 MHz


Diamond D303 HF "all band" antenna (Y19,800)

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