entries top: JA0DFR 5.6GHz converter, bottom: Takemura-san's small MMIC-based AO-40 2.4GHz converter left: humor prize JF2NMY sardine can 7MHz transmitter, right: JJ1INO compact QRPp transceiver top: JN1AYV low NF modified Drake 2.4GHz converter, bottom: 7N2OZE 1.2GHz receiving converter homebrew contest entries top: JN3VRJ solar-powered 2.4 GHz test set JA1AKA 5.7GHz disc antenna, with JA2DES magnetic loop for 3.5, 7 and 10MHz visible behind it Overview Homebrew Alinco Antennas Icom Kenwood Yaesu Clubs