Vintage Rig Radio Club dedicated to restoring and preserving classic rigs. This can involve completely stripping the chassis and panels, restoring them, and reassembling the radio.
The JAMSAT booth seemed to be busy throughout the day.
The Packet Radio Users Group (PRUG) had a live video feed from the 8N1HAM special event station and were making it available as a RealVideo stream on the Internet.
29FM Pacific Radio Network (PRN)
The Japan Amateur Slowscan TV Association (JASTA) was demonstrating a variety of hardware and software for slow scan. They also were demonstrating the real time JA8ANQ SSTV receive server.
The Kansai Microwave Study Group showed off a 5GHz/10Ghz omni antenna made from a pair of frying pans. (See CQ ham radio, January 2000 for complete details.)
Japan's first 24GHz beacon from the Kansai group.
The Vietnam-Japan Friendship Ham Club booth.
Giant Vuntec amplifiers from Portland, OR. The LP3000 in the foreground sports a pair of 3CX800A7s. In back are 3CX3000A7 amplifiers.
The USBIF4CW is a USB rig interface especially for CW operation.