AOR with their usual collection of interesting receivers.

Pre-release version of the AOR AR-DV1 Digital Voice Receiver which covers 100kHz~18MHz (direct conversion) and 18MHz~1300MHz (triple superhet) with built in DMR, D-STAR, P25, NXDN, and Yaesu System Fusion decoders (in addition to analog AM, synchronous AM, USB, LSB, CW). Price not yet announced.

AOR ARD300 Multi-digital voice decoder (D-STAR, ALINCO, Yaesu, NXDN dPMR, P25 (Phase 1))

Giant Luso crank-up tower



Yaesu System Fusion DR-1X repeater and FTM-400D dual band mobile

JVC Kenwood

getting tutored in the TS-990 by JVC Kenwood


Icom celebrating their 50th aniversary with special edition gold accented IC-7850 and ID-51 handhelds with color faceplates

special anniversary edition IC-7850

special 50th anniversary edition of the ID-51 available with different color faceplates

Icom IC-7100


Diamond Antennas and accessories

Diamond ARG3530 3.5~30MHz artificial RF ground

Kohjinsha Hamer's (sic) VERSA Beam, extends copper tape within elements for tuning

huge lineup of keys and paddles at GHD Telegraph Key

GHD Telegraph Key

MB-817 10AH lithium battery power pack and switching regulator for lightweight portable operations from Solaris Engineering ( Y39,800)

JACOM imports a wide variety of equipment for hams, SWLs, and broadcast listeners